From the day Avery was born some of her personality traits were obvious. She has always been happy, stubborn, and loves a routine. At 19 1/2 months Avery is even more full of spunk! She is still happy, stubborn, and likes predictability, but she is louder, funnier, smarter, and more curious. For the past month she has been cracking us up even more than usual.
Earlier this week I made breakfast. I asked Avery if we could go sit down and eat. (I know a mistake to ask, I have learned just to tell her what we will do.) She replied, "No way!" She wanted to eat standing on her stool at the kitchen island. Lately "no way!" is one of her favorite responses.
Avery also has a great memory. Yesterday I put on a scarf before we went out and she said "No Mommy, Tally's!" Tally always has a scarf on and it was the first time I wore one all season. Also, if you tell her something is purple she says "Lyn-Ann." Lyn-Ann's favorite color is purple and she always thinks of her when she see the color. She seems to remember everything and it is truly amazing.
She has started to remember songs, and today her favorite is the Hokey Pokey. I wish I could teach her the dance a little better, but she just wants to twirl around.
It really is amazing how much they learn and grow these first few years. I can't believe my baby is 1 1/2!
Here is a picture of the Trussell Girls at Tricia's first wedding shower. It was so much fun and Tricia got some great things! Can't wait until March!

Last weekend Avery spent the night at her Grandparents. Trevor and I were able to sneak out to a great dinner at Chop's Lobster Bar. It was so much fun to get dressed up and eat at our own pace.

Avery trying on Mommy's boots!