This year we decided to purchase a membership to the zoo. I am so thrilled we decided to join. We woke up to a beautiful day and remembered we could easily pack up and be there in a matter of minutes. A friend also mentioned that today was the last day of "Boo in the Zoo." We couldn't wait to check it out.
There were lots of people, candy, and animals. I think the animals decided to pose for a few pictures. This was the first time I have seen them so close and so active. We enjoyed a yummy picnic and wandered from animal to animal. Only visiting our very favorites.
They had lots of special treats for the kids. Avery really loved all of the characters and her favorite was the maze. She loved turning around in the dead ends and finding her way out.
Of course, we hit the playground on our way out and it was really tough to round them up and head home.