Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Play Days

We had a nice weekend in Atlanta. The weather was very cold but we kept busy and enjoyed ourselves. Friday Avery and I met Grama and Grampa at IHOP for lunch. Avery sat still for 45 minutes and loved every bite. Breakfast seems to be her favorite meal. Then we got Avery a few comfy and cozy outfits and a pair of tennis shoes. Dinner was at the Mexican Restaurant where Avery met a few new friends, and played around the water fountain.

Saturday we made a few Christmas returns and Avery had fun on the Ice Cream Truck at the mall. We stayed in Saturday night and enjoyed a warm fire. Sunday was sunny and we got to go play at the park. Avery had a blast and even did the swings by herself. She hung on for a few minutes before taking a nose dive into the wood chips. We will have to watch her a little closer next time!

Avery playing at the playground.

I almost forgot...Saturday night Avery did poops on the big girl potty! We were shocked and still can't believe it. What a big girl!!!

Avery getting ready to go to a birthday party last weekend.

Avery getting ready for Tricia's wedding. She will be the flower girl!


Carrie Beth said...

What a fun weekend! I can't believe she used the potty! That is great...hopefully Handley will follow her lead. :-)

SeƱora Sanders said...

Okay...why is she so stinkin' cute!!!!