Thursday, August 27, 2009

Riverside Water Park

This morning Avery and I met some friends at the water park. It was a cloudy day and we debated on going but it was worth the trip. As you can see from the pictures Avery and her friends had a ball! They couldn't get enough of the fountains and sprinklers.

On the way home Avery and I stopped at TCBY. One of my favorite ice cream shops (this also happens to be one advantage of having a pregnant mom). We ordered from the drive thru and as soon as we got on the highway Avery dropped her spoon. Isn't that how it goes! So, I gave her mine and waited till she was finished to get my spoon back. Of course, we dropped it on the hand off. So, I ended up drinking the milky stuff in my bowl, but Avery had a great morning!


SeƱora Sanders said...

AHHH!!!! ADORABLE!!! Avery is getting SO BIG!!! I cannot believe it!! I miss her chubby little legs!!! ; )

Julie, the mama said...

The TCBY story is so something that would happen to us! That water park looks cool.

Carrie Beth said...

Yummy!!! I haven't been to TCBY in years, but we should plan an outing there. :-)