Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reunited at last!

Avery was able to come home today and meet her little brother. We are so thrilled to have our little girl home! She isn't quite 100% but she is making a comeback. Avery held Dylan for a minute and peeked at him a few times. For the most part, she wasn't extremely into him but she was a little curious. We shall keep you posted how the adjustment goes. We are just so glad to have our two babies home! Trevor and I feel very blessed!


Carrie Beth said...

I remember Handley was the same way. Kind of interested in checking in on Harper, but mostly just wanted to play and have the attention from grandparents. She will warm up to him and learn to love being a big sis. Just give her time. :-)

Julie, the mama said...

So glad they are together at last. It won't take long for her big sister instincts to take over, and then Avery will be all up in your business!

Sure hoping our girl is back to 100% soon.

SeƱora Sanders said...

THANK GOD!!!! Dylan and Truss really do look alike!! Tiara, I don't know how you have time to blog!!! I can hardly keep up with facebook!! I LOVE YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!

Stacey said...

T! I'm so glad you are all home and back together. I love the pics of Avery holding Dylan. I hope Dylan gets turned around soon so you can get some rest too. Love you and I'm so excited for you guys!