Sunday, December 27, 2009

Misc. Christmas Week

Tessa was a huge help with the kiddies! She watched them while we got things ready for Christmas Eve. And...she woke up extra early the day after Christmas to come babysitt while Trevor and I braved the mall at 8:00am. We had so much fun and she bathed Dylan and made waffles for Avery. I think they had a blast too! Thanks Tess!

My boys were too cute!

And the kiddos:


SeƱora Sanders said...

Tessa is a BIG HELP!!! I want her to live here so bad!!!!

Julie, the mama said...

What a blessing it is to have family so willing and able to love on these kids while we get some alone time with our husbands!

Cute, cute, cute pictures. I especially love the look on Dylan's face in that last one!

Anonymous said...

SO precious!! I missed Avery's whole outfit (the tights and boots) cause I was late :( SO glad I was able to help... I just LOVE being w/ my niece and nephew!! miss you TONS and love you MORE! -Tessa