Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You are LOVED!

The last two weeks have been a bit of a challenge with everyone having little colds and coughs. Germs are no fun! However, whenever I see these smiling faces I can't help but fall in love again and know that every second of hard work is worth it!

This picture is of Avery just before we left for school this morning. She is such a hoot. This morning she wanted me to try her "squeaky" binkie. I refused as I didn't want her germs so she replied. "I am only going to ask you one more time, Mom! Just try it... one, two, and I mean it!" Well, I wonder where she learned that? Poor Dylan, I sure hope she doesn't try it on him! He has no chance. Another funny one, yesterday she opened her Valentine's Card from Grammy Tina and Grampa. She was very excited to find a $5 bill inside the princess card. She screamed, "Just what I always wanted! My very own penny. It's mine and you and Daddy can't have it. I am going to buy some candy of my own!" We are constantly laughing or disciplining around here these days!

As you can see Avery is already teaching Dylan how to tease.

Dylan is so ticklish! I am constantly tickling him because I just love hearing his adorable belly laugh. He is also getting good at reaching for things. So I have gotten out all the baby toys. Avery is showing more interest in her little brother these days and it is cute. He enjoys watching her make silly faces at him. I am looking forward to them playing together soon.

Gotta love my hard working hubby too! He has been so busy lately and I am so proud of him. Thanks for all your hard work, I love you, and love being able to stay at home with our kiddos every single day. Even the sick days! Hopefully we are building our immunity too!

Lastly, so thankful for the friends and family that love and support us. We are grateful for you and LOVE you too!


Carrie Beth said...

:-) Loved this post. Avery looked adorable for school and she just cracks me up with the things she says. Love her cute little purse too. I bet Avery and Dylan are just going to continue playing together and entertaining each other more and more. Thanks for bringing that stuff over today. Handley was happy to have her lollipop too.

Julie, the mama said...

Love this post. Almost as much as I love that top picture of Miss Priss. So adorable.