Monday, May 31, 2010

And she is THREE!

We spent the weekend celebrating Avery's third birthday. It was packed full of fun, family, and friends. Tricia and Kyle stopped by to see the birthday girl on the morning of her big day and brought her a bubble blowing lawn mower and an ice cream! She was thrilled! After naps our friends the Parro's and Mayer's came over with more gifts. We were able to sneak in a quick trip to the pool and then enjoy a yummy cookout. Then, another day of cake on Sunday. Ammy, Bamp, Tally, Jake, and Truss came over for another trip to the pool and a late lunch. Of course, more presents and fun! Round two next weekend!

Are't these boys getting big???


Julie, the mama said...

THREE??? Can you believe it??? What I CAN'T believe is those boy cousins together! Sooooo cute. And so big. Time is flying.

Carrie Beth said...

Aww, such a fun weekend of celebrations!!! I can't wait for Saturday. :-)