Friday, June 11, 2010

What a blur!

This week flew by! I don't know if I sat down at all! Lesson learned, do not overbook summer!

Our agenda was summer camp 9-12. Swim lessons everyday at 5. Ballet Friday. Dinner with the Posener's Wed, Thursday a lunch date with Grammy, Aunt Tally, and Truss, and Friday a surprise trip to the dr to check Dylan's ears. Combine that with a traveling husband, a tired 3 year old, and a fussy 7 month old and you will need a vacation.

Before summer camp modeling her new Ariel dress

Grammy and Grampa with the big boy!

I forgot we made a stop at the bakery for dessert.

Dylan loved trying out his new banana teether!

Thankfully, the kids were fantastic even though we barely caught a nap all week. Avery loves her swim lessons and is swimming. Dylan is a champ and just has a cold. I am looking ahead to a calmer week next week where we won't be doing quite so much.

I almost forgot...we celebrated Trevor's birthday this week (kind of). I am looking forward to a date night tomorrow where we can eat our meal and talk while sitting and taking our time. Happy Birthday Trevor!

1 comment:

Julie, the mama said...

Whew! That wore me slap out just reading it. The kids definitely looked like they enjoyed all of the activity!