Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trimming our tree

We were ahead of schedule this year and picked out the perfect tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It took about a week to get it all up and running and it is beautiful. Each year we have more and more fun decorating. The kids are getting great ornament collections. I don't know what I will do when they grow up and get there own trees. I guess I will have to buy my own, because ours will be mighty empty. Avery really got into hanging ornaments. She really favored the right side. She was able to stand on the arm of the couch and hang them in their perfect places. Dylan adores the tree and is really trying to be gentle and keep his hands off. Now, we get to enjoy the season! Guess I have to start shopping :)


Julie, the mama said...

Oh, those jammies are as perfect as the tree!

Carrie Beth said...

I don't know how I missed all of these posts. I love their matching PJ's! Super cute and your tree looks great.