I don't know if I believe the old ryhme but I do know that little boys are made very different from little girls. And, I love it!
I can't even begin to put my 16 month old into words, but I will try. He wants to talk, kind of, but not really. He can say words but when he says them I swear it is my imagination. It is really wild. He will not say the simplest of things and then blurt out "I am sorry" or "I love you." He is so different from my little girl but it is a refreshing and exhausting change. Avery is so active! I couldn't imagine a busier bee, but he is. He is daring, quiet, unasumining, dangerous, curious, and so, so, so, loveable! I have never in my life met a sweeter person. The kisses, hugs, and the hair twirls (he twirls my hair whenever he needs to be comforted). I cannot possibly put my little boy into words. He exhausts me, excites me, and gives me more love than any mama should recieve. I love him beyond measure but boy is he different from my sweet girl. I feel so blessed to have one of each! I am one happy mama!
He sure is a sweetheart and we love him too! I'm sure Trevor loves that last picture of him carrying the purse!
I read this post and smiled. Because I know EXACTLY how you feel. Little boys are wonderful.
So wonderful that you're getting to experience the joy of a little boy (and a little girl)! So cute!!
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