Monday, April 25, 2011


Friday Auntie Tally took on the daunting task of watching 4 little ones under the age of 3. She survived and "says" it was fun! I know my kids had a blast. Ammy even popped over for a surprise visit. I snuck away and got pampered by Aunit Tricia. A cut, color, wax, and chair massage, it was an amazing two hours! Thanks sisters!


Julie, the mama said...

You are definitely blessed in the sister department, girl!

Carrie Beth said...

Your sister is superwoman! Looks like all the kids were having fun.

Erica said...

Reading this post makes me so excited to see Grace and Bonnie's "sister bond" develop and that I will get to live that bond vicariously through them. Now, I love having a brother, but I hear there's nothing like having a sister (or 3!), too!

Hope y'all had a wonderful Easter!

SeƱora Sanders said...

Hey!! I didn't get a chair massage!!! ; ) Just kidding!! And it seriously WAS fun!!!!!