I bought Dylan some big boy UNDIES! I have no intention of potty training him at the moment as I hear boys are harder, and he is still over a month away from his second birthday. However, he is interested so we went shopping! He has been asking to go potty every time anyone uses the bathroom. He can always go potty and tries to go poopy every time. He has gone number two but I am still trying to convince him that you don't have to do both every time you use the bathroom.
I managed to find some undies that fit him and had no idea what kind to buy so I bought a few styles and they are adorable. He has been wearing them around the house when we know we are home for a little while.
It is still so hard for me to believe my baby is growing into a toddler so fast. In fact, I am loving the decision to keep him home from school another year. As much as I could use a bit of me time, I am loving my "D" time! Now Dylan doesn't want to go to school yet either but he also wants his big sis to stay home. On Wednesday, Avery's teacher came to get her out of the car and shut the door. Dylan then said, "Oh Man! Aayeee at school! Ayee no go to school play wit me!" I was tickled and so happy he loves her so much! He truly does miss her and I really am trying to have fun with him. We have been to Monkey Joe's, the playground every sunny day, the barn to see the horses and gymnastics when we remember! Goodness me I love this little boy!
Also, for the record he went to the gym playroom (nursery) all by himself for the first time ever and did it! What a great feeling! Go Dylan!!! Now if I could just work out all the kinks of the new bedtime routine. This big boy bed adjustment/freedom is a little different!
Oh, I just loved this post! He is getting so big and those little undies on him are about the cutest thing ever. It's so sweet that our little ones miss their big sisters when they are at school. AND, hooray for him staying by himself at the gym! I know you were worried about that.
There is just something about a mama and her little boy, isn't there? And I hear you on the school thing. So, so, so thankful I had this extra year at home with Boss. Although I have to warn you, I am finding that it does make it SUPER HARD to send them to school when it is time.
Girl, he might just surprise you and potty train himself super early. Now wouldn't that be a nice surprise?!
Big, big boy!!!
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