There have been so many exciting things going on I am very glad to be able to take a deep breath, blog, and reflect.
This weekend started out with a family dinner at a new Thai restaurant. Avery told the waiter she liked the food better than Chickfila and that their sauce was even better than Polynesian. That is a huge compliment from Avery. We all enjoyed the delicious dinner.
Saturday, we kept Avery home from soccer to try to get rid of this cough and I finally think it is getting better. Our good friend Sheila and her daughter Addyson (one of Avery and Dylan's besties) came over to watch the babes for a long evening. My parents took Tally, Jake, Tricia, Kyle, Trevor, and I to see Wicked. It was marvelous! We ate dinner before the show at Baronda and had a lovely evening. This was the first time (I know in four years) that we have ever gone out together without children and had an adult evening. I wish we could do it more often. I forget how much fun it is to get dressed up, giggle, and enjoy each others company. Of course, we didn't get home till about 11:30 and Avery and Addyson were still wide awake and playing when we got home. They had a ball. Painted nails, sweet treats, movies, art projects. They were loving life. Thank you Sheila! And thank you Mom and Dad!

Sunday morning we all woke up early and made it to church to see Baby Scottie get baptised! A great ceremony and so lucky to be a part of such a special time. We love you beautiful Scottie. From there we had a great afternoon at the school Fall Family Picnic. After that, we enjoyed some more fresh air and fun at a LLS fundraiser at a local pizza restaurant. Safe to say we were all worn out by the time we got home around 7:45 but it was a great weekend!

Did I mention that Trevor even sent me flowers? My favorite, tulips!
That was quite a weekend!!! I'm tried just reading about it all, but it sounds like tons of fun.
It sure looks like you had a full week! I wish I could have been at Wicked with all of you!! Miss you and love you lots. Thanks for the updates and pictures! Love you!
What a marathon weekend! You guys are such fun! We had fun at our pseudo slumber party too! :)
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