Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dylan's First Day of Two Year Old Preschool

Before we left for school....

When his sweet teacher got him out of the carpool line to start school...

When I picked him up at the end of his school day....

Today was Dylan's big day! He started out happy, and once we arrived his mood changed.  He started crying and said, " I not going to school!"  He has two sweet teachers and a class of 12 children and I knew he would be okay if he would just give it a whirl.  They said he cried for the first five minutes and then he was okay.  He didn't really participate and he didn't go potty the entire 3 hours he was at school.  However, I got to school early and was first in the carpool line.  That gave me the chance to see him play on the playground.  He played and was happy!  That  made me feel so much better and he said he had a good day!  Now, to see what day two brings!


Carrie Beth said...

Yea!!! That's as good of a report that you could have asked for!!! So proud of him. I bet before you know it he will be asking to go to school on the days he isn't scheduled too. :-) Glad he had such a great 1st day!!!

Tessa said...

Sweet Dylan! Mom told about that. I was wondering how that would be for both of you! You're such a good mom and you know just what he needs. Can't wait to hear about the next few weeks as he adjusts to preschool! Big boy!