So she passed the hearing and vision screening, got a good read on her blood pressure, and was basically a delight during her doctors visit. Except for her shot, that did not go over well at all. In fact, it still bothered her a week after the appt. Her height and weight fell into the 50-75% tile. She answered all the doctors questions exceptionally well! For example, when asked her favorite food she replied, "pears" when asked what other foods she eats she said, "broccoli and cauliflower." She made us proud even if she exaggerated a bit :)
Tonight's big news is that on the first night of summer Avery caught her first firefly! She is over the moon excited. That means that at 9:45 she is still awake but very happy! We caught a grand total of four and kept them in a glass cup. A few minutes ago she let them all go and wished them a good night. Something tells me she will be begging for more nights like this. It was really fun, and I can't help but think about when Dylan can join us!
Running down our hill with the firefly in her hand, so excited!
She still loves to get dressed up and set up for an imaginary party. We have these just about every single day! She is even making me get dressed up now!
Catching fireflies is a great summer night activity and I'm so happy she caught her very own. :-) Love her outfit in that last picture!
Precious, precious girl! I used to love to catch "lightening bugs" too! So fun to watch our kids do stuff we liked to do as youngsters. Also makes me realize our babies are growing up!
How cool is that!! You GO AVERY!! Super cute!
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