Sunday, June 5, 2011


Over the Memorial Day weekend we snuck up to the lake for a night with some of our best friends. Even though we were only there for one night and two full days, we were able to pack in loads of fun!

Since our first time at the lake our crowd has grown. First there were two kids, two dogs, and four adults. Now we have four kids, two dogs, and four adults, plus one sweet little boy due next month. Let's just say that we packed so heavily it looked like we might stay for two weeks.

We enjoyed cruising around the lake, playing at the sandy beaches, and a few picnics. We also had a great dinner at the Marina and fed the huge fish our leftovers. The big girls wake boarded (I still am in awe of how cool it was, thanks Robby for making it such a smooth success) and the big boys did some rock jumping. It was a fantastic few days!

A huge thanks to the Posener's for letting us join you last weekend! We loved it!


Carrie Beth said...

It was such a fun weekend for us too and we are so happy you all could make it up with us!!!

Samantha said...

Looks like a wonderful time -- the kids are all sooo adorable!