He is 32 1/2 inches tall
He wieghs 25 pounds
And is in the 10-25% for height and weight
He did a great job at his two year old check up. He passed the vision screening and was a champ when they gave him a shot and pricked his finger! I think he did better than I did. Right now he is a parrot. Talking and repeating every thing we say. Dylan is learning so much and changing everyday.
Some of his favorite things to say are : I do it.
tackle, hike, kick, fall down, crash (and he also acts them out)
hands down, head down (he says this before he does a forward roll, watch out he will do one anywhere at anytime) nee nee (that means hair and he still loves to play with my hair while he drinks or is about to fall asleep) too dark in here, drink please (he is very good about saying please and thank you) shoo away (when he wants to be left alone)
He talks in short sentences and is able to get what he wants. He loves to sing, and Old MacDonald is his favorite song. He still loves horses! He loves garbage trucks too. And balls, bats, or anything that can be thrown or hit something with is a toy. He is a wild man now! Still a lovebug and sweet but he is a bit more outgoing. Like Avery I am amazed at his memory. They just don't forget anything! We just love our two year old!
We went to the mall to get a cookie and make some wishes in the wishing well after his doctors appointmen. He was disappointed that there wasn't a carosel at this mall.
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