Avery has been very, very excited about taking gymnastics. Dylan has been gong to gymnastics class since this summer and she was thrilled to go to her first class on Wednesday (we had her wait until soccer was over). She wasn't into class even 10 minutes when she got injured. It happened on the mini trampoline. It is all padded and has a handle for the kids to hold onto while they bounce. The kids to this all the time by themselves and love it! Well, today Avery managed to fall and hit her head just the right way. There was blood everywhere! I was a little caught of guard as to what to do. Some of the other mom's were extremely helpful in applying pressure to her wound. Getting paper towels and telling me that we needed to go to the er and which one to go to. Trevor left and extremely busy day at work to pick us all up and take us to the hospital. Avery was scared on the ride over and so was I. When they took us back she got a lot calmer. The nurses were so sweet to her. Finally, the doctor examined her and said she need staples to close the wound. That was when I went out to be with Dylan and Trevor took over in the Emergency Room. Of course they were out of numbing gel and had to give her an injection to numb her head. Trevor said she didn't even flinch. They proceeded to give her four staples. Trevor was on the other side of the room and my baby girl didn't even shed a tear. When I was able to see her I was fighting back my tears. However, Avery ran up to me, gave me a hug and said, "look Mom I didn't have to get stitches, they gave me staples instead." I wanted to vomit and cry but she was brave and strong. Kids sure are resilient! She hasn't taken any pain medicine and is doing great! Sunday we get to have the staples removed. I sure am proud of my girl. One more thing, yesterday I didn't want to comb her hair and so she said, "don't worry mom I don't need a bow, my staples are shiny enough!"
Avery's best friend Becca sent her a special treat yesterday! A bouquet of fruit! Yum, yum and boy did it make Avery's day! A special thanks to Rebecca and her Mommy! Thanks for thinking of Avery!
Oh, Tiara. I was in TEARS reading this. Bless her precious little heart. And yours. How scary. So, so, so thankful she is ok. What a brave, beautiful little girl.
Oh my gosh that poor, sweet, precious thing. I am so sorry Avery got hurt, and am SO glad she is ok. I hope you're doing better, too.
Yikes! We have one of those little trampolines in our playroom -- it worries me with Austin jumping on it all the time. So glad your sweetie is okay -- sounds like she took it like a champ! I'm sure it was hardest on you...
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