Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cupcakes and Play

Monday Avery and I stayed in all day and played. When Avery wakes up in the morning she asks for breakfast ant juice (usually eggs). Then, she says "play, play, play!" She would love nothing more than to play all day everyday! I thought it would be fun to make cupcakes today. Avery also thought this was fun. However, she had a hard time not taking a bite out of each one. We managed to frost and decorate a few and I limited her to two cupcakes. She snuck a little extra frosting.

Avery calls her bathrobe a jacket. She wanted to wear it Tuesday morning and I thought it was picture perfect!

To wrap up today's blog I thought I would put a few pictures of Avery and her friend Sarah. They have so much fun together and have learned so much from one another. This week they just had a blast together.

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

Yummy cupcakes!!! Sarah and Avery look like they are having a blast together. :-)