Thursday, November 13, 2008

Poor Baby!!

Last night around 9:15 Avery woke up and started to cry. This is unusual for her so I went in read her a story and tried to put her back to bed. However, she wanted her Daddy. Trevor then read to her and laid her down. It hadn't been five minutes before I heard a few coughs and then Avery yelling, "binkie, binkie!!!" I ran in her room to find her binkie covered in throw up. (Sorry to be so graphic, this was her first time throwing up) Needless to say we were up until about 3:00. Poor thing! She was really a good sport, but it is pitiful to see your baby sick. We slept for until 6:30 (not nearly long enough). Things seemed to get better as the day went on. Avery napped well and was even asking for eggs at lunchtime. I am crossing my fingers that the worst is over, but who knows. I have been cleaning like crazy in hopes that we can get this bug out of the house. Good night! I have a few winks to catch up on.

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