Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day In Atlanta

It is hard to believe that yesterday it was 60 degrees in Atlanta and today it is 33! We watched the weather and were very doubtful that the snow would accumulate today after such warm weather. Thank goodness we were wrong! The temperature started dropping, and the snow continued to fall making it a beautiful day!

Unfortunately, I was unprepared. Avery does not have snow pants, boots, or a sled. So... we bundled up in what warm clothes we had and explored the cold white stuff. Avery likes to call it "ice." She also wants to eat it! She scooped some snow off the ground and before I could stop her she had eaten a few flakes and some grass. It didn't stop her from having fun though! We hope to get out there again after her afternoon nap. We have a birthday party in the neighborhood at 4:00 and then home to enjoy a fire and a nice warm dinner. Sounds like a great night!

This week Avery and Sarah had a tea party. The older the girls get the more fun they have together. Sarah is walking now, and that puts them on the same level. It is so nice to see them having a good time. We are looking forward to the start of Music Class this week.

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