Monday, March 30, 2009

Trussell/Parker Wedding Weekend

The weekend whizzed by! What a whirlwind of fun! We had Tricia's Bridesmaid luncheon Friday at Relish. It was a beautiful restaurant in Roswell that featured southern food. Yum!

On to the rehearsal Friday evening! And then the dinner at Smokejacks! It was a great time and we were able to see lots of friends and family from all over the U.S.!Tricia and Kyle were glowing! Avery hung in until about 10 and that was a record.

Finally, the BIG Day had arrived. Saturday was spent playing with Julie and Casey our good friends from Chicago. While Avery took her afternoon nap I was off to get my hair done and get ready for the wedding. It was a rainy, rainy day. Tricia was set on having an outside wedding and we did! It lightly misted for some of the ceremony, but it was PERFECT! Avery made it down the aisle all by her self. She just followed the flower petals. She was cute as a button. Then Tricia and Dad came out and she was stunning! It was the beginning of a perfect evening. The reception was fabulous. Great food, good music, and lots of dancing. Avery led the evenings festivities by dancing her little heart out. She kicked off her shoes when the ceremony was over and didn't stop laughing and dancing until Trevor took her home around 9. Trevor was sweet to take her home so I could stay and enjoy the wedding. It was a great weekend! I hope Tricia and Kyle are enjoying there honeymoon on the cruise.

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

What a fun weekend!!! Looks like everything went smooth and everyone looked great all dressed up, including Avery in her pretty dress!