Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Little Girl Turns Two!

I cannot believe how fast the last two years have flown by! Our baby girl turned two on Saturday and she has changed so much in such a short time. She is talking in sentences, running around, playing games, and cracking us up.
Auntie Lyn-Ann came into town on Friday to start the birthday festivities. We didn't stop until bedtime Sunday night. Avery still has a few presents to open. She was spoiled silly.
Saturday was the big birthday bash at the pool. So many of Avery's friends were able to come help us celebrate. Avery only got out of the pool long enough to eat (and eat she did). She was all smiles and we could barely get her home.

Sunday we made our trip up to Wills Park to show Aunt Lyn-Ann the horses. Then, Daddy, Mommy, and L.A. made a quick trip to the outlet mall while Avery played with Grammy and Grampa. Then, after nap time we were all set for round two of the parties. Party with the Trussell's. Avery got more gifts, good food, and ice cream cake.

It was a fabulous weekend. Thank goodness birthdays come just once a year. We will all be recovering this week. Thanks to everyone that helped make her day so special.


Carrie Beth said...

Love that cute dress and the ROLLER SKATES!!! How fun?!?!

We had so much fun at the party and Handley is still talking about it.

SeƱora Sanders said...

She is SO CUTE!!!!