Sunday, May 17, 2009


It has been a while, but things have not slowed down a bit! This past week Trevor and I enjoyed our first husband and wife trip in two years. We went to St. Martin for the week and were able to rest and relax. I won't lie and tell you it was easy right off the bat. We had to remember how to eat slow, relax, and enjoy quite time. However, it didn't take long and we ended up really having a great time. We had delicous food, and enjoyed all of the beautiful beaches. I think we are both the tannest we have ever been. We also read lots of books. It was a fabulous get away, and coming home was just as sweet. We missed our baby girl and were thrilled to be able to hug and kiss her today. Avery on the other hand, was glad to see us, but did just fine with her Grandparents and Auntie Tally.

Our trip wouldn't have been possible without Grammy Tina and Grampa Bruce, Grammy Tracee and Bampa, and Tally. They worked in shifts and made sure Avery had a blast and didn't miss us for one second. Avery went to Kangazoom with Grammy. It sounds like the had a ton of fun bouncing around. They also played non-stop. Thanks to Grampa we have shiny clean cars :) Grammy Tracee and Bampa did the next shift. Avery was quite busy at their house even thoug Grammy ended up with the flu. Thanks Dad for taking the day off to take care of Avery. I know she loved every second of being the center of your world! Then Tally finished the week up on Saturday. They made a stop at ChickFila for lunch, threw rocks in the creek, and ate a yummy dinner together. She is still talking about her time with all of you, THANK YOU!!!! It feels so good to know she is in such good hands!

A special thanks to Kyle too for our late night ride home! You are so sweet!

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

Looks like such a fun trip and you are right, you guys are really tan!