Saturday, June 20, 2009

Busy Weekends

Last weekend was a busy one, but full of fun! According to Avery what isn't fun? We had birthday parties and Avery had a sleepover at Grammy and Grampa Trussell's.

Avery's best friend Handley turned two! They met when they were about months old and really started getting together when they were one. They have really grown up over the past year and grown into great friends. The girls started with paralell play and now just love interacting with eachother. They get so excited to see one another and just love playing. Handley had a great birthday party with lots of outdoor activities. We sang happy birthday and ate delicious ice cream sundae's. It looked like Handley had a great time and Avery loved being a part of her special day. My camera battery died so I don't have any pictures but it was a perfect two year old party! Below you will find a few pictures of the girls and you can see how much they have changed. I look forward to seeing them grow even more!

Saturday night, Avery had her sleepover. She didn't get into bed until way after 9, but she loved every second of having Grammy and Grampa's full attention. She is a busy little girl. Sunday we met at the mall, had lunch, and Avery and Grampa rode the carousel. It was a good way to end a great weekend! Thanks for letting us sneak a date night in Mom and Dad :)

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

Oh my goodness. I love seeing how they have changed this past year!