Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tea Parties and Trains

Now this is better. I am beginning to think Avery and I are a little bit of what you might call "home bodies". The past two days we have loved lounging around in our PJ's until lunchtime.

Avery calls them lazy days and we just in her words, "play all day!" We have spent hours and hours in the playroom using our imagination, playing with dolls, stuffed animals, and singing and dancing. Then, I got out the tea set she got a few years ago. We found a table cloth and set the table with napkins and centerpieces. Avery is glowing! She loves nothing more at this second than to play tea party! In her words, "Mom this is Purrrrfect!"

Now, Dylan he is enjoying these days at home as well. He is working on getting around. He is scooting, playing with new toys, being a guest at our tea parties, and best of all not getting dragged around from one place to another. He is one happy little fellow!

I am really enjoying the pace we are setting this week, this is what summer is all about. Now to get packing for our trip out West. We are heading to Arizona to visit with Aunt Lyn-Ann and are very excited about our trip! Family, sunshine, and fun, perfect!


Julie, the mama said...

Those days do sound wonderful. The pictures are adorable, too.

Carrie Beth said...

Glad you all finally had some much needed down time!