We are back in town and right back into the birthday party groove. We were able to celebrate Amelia's fourth birthday today. Avery loved every second. The theme was princesses and pirates. Of course, Avery dressed as Cinderella. The second we walked through the door she was thrilled because Cinderella was also there. (on a side note Avery watched Cinderella about 20 times while we were in Arizona. LA had the tape and Avery LOVED the movie!) Avery hung on her every word and even adored the pirate. She got her face painted and when it was time to eat pizza she didn't go eat because she wanted to continue talking with her favorite princess. She asked what Gus and Jaq were doing. Cinderella told her they were baking cookies back at the castle. She also told Cinderella that she didn't like her mean stepmother. After pizza and the most delicious pink castle cake she took a swing at a pinata. She was mesmerized by the pinata and the candy that finally fell out of it. I think she will be talking about this party for a while. Happy Birthday Amelia!