Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 2012!

Wow, we are off and running and hoping to establish some kind of routine in the very near future!  Avery started back to school on Tuesday.  Both kids started gymnastics Monday and I have been getting back to the gym for about two weeks.  All of these things are good!  And feel good, but our break was the best! We absolutely enjoyed all of our time off!  I still have a few more pictures to post from Arizona.  Then, I promise Trevor, I will break out my new camera and start a few new posts!  

My little cowboy made it an entire day with no accidents (Jan 12, 2010)  and no pull-ups!  We were even out running errands for three hours!  Let the new year bring no diapers!!! Way to go Dylan!

A first...Dylan and I had a picnic in the back of my car one rainy day before we picked Avery up from school.  We watched the train and cars and trucks drive by!  He was as happy as could be and wants to go back and do it everyday!  What can I say a boy and things that go Vrooom= Heaven!

 Gingerbread train building ended up a tad more complicated than I thought but it turned out adorable!  Auntie put Ave to bed and she loved it!  Finally, a few pics of the kids with their sparklers on New Year's Eve!  Happy New Year!  


Carrie Beth said...

We love picnics in the back of our car. I used to do that all the time with Harper before we picked up Handley from school.

I didn't know you got a new camera?!?!? Can't wait to hear about it.

Way to go Dylan with no diapers!!! He's getting so big!

Tessa said...

Beautiful!! I see the American doll made it to AZ and back safely. I don't know if there are two other kids who are as loved as much as Dylan and Avery!