Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Little Princess

Just had to share a quick story from tonight...

As I was reading Avery a book before bedtime, I felt something under her pillow.  Now I often find unusual things hiding under that long pink pillow.  Usually, it is a flashlight she keeps under there to read when I turn out the lights.  Tonight it was a marble from the Hungry, Hungry Hippo game.  As I was reminding her how we have to be sure all the pieces get put back where they belong so we can play the game properly next time.  She just looked at me with those eyes and whispered, "Mommy, I just wanted to see if I am a real princess."  My heart melted a little, and a huge smile covered my face.  Avery was using her imagination tonight.  She was imagining that little marble was a pea and wanted to see how she slept.  If she slept horribly she would know for sure that she is a real princess..  Just like the book the Princess and the Pea.  Needless to say, that little marble is under her pink pillow as I type, and although I hope she gets her rest. I know my baby girl won't sleep very good tonight because she is my Princess!

I love you Avery Reese!  Sleep tight my little princess!


Tessa said...

so beautiful. so precious.

Carrie Beth said...

A princess for sure!