Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time flies when you're having fun!

This week my baby girl went off to Kindergarten!  What does this mean?  Five days a week she goes to school.  This is the beginning of her academic career and she is officially growing up and gaining independence fast.  It makes me emotional because I can still remember the day she was born and how our lives changed in that instant.  The first year of her life went slowly.  So many changes, so much learning and adjusting and loving.  Then, after that first birthday time has gone into warp speed.  I feel so, so, so blessed that I have been able to be home with her for the past five years.  We have seized every opportunity to explore, have fun, and take it all in.  I am grateful for this time and can't thank Trevor enough for also valuing it and working so hard to provide for our family.  And my baby girl...I couldn't be prouder!  I can't believe what a sweet, sensitive, smart, and caring girl she has grown to be.  I am looking forward with teary eyes at all the new adventures Kindergarten and beyond will bring.  Avery we love you!  Happy first week of school!  

Avery is going to Kindergarten at her preschool which allows me one more year of half days.  She has four fantastic teachers that I look forward to getting to know this year.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of any of them :)  

Of course we had to celebrate the first day with lunch at the bakery and a trip to the duck pond!

Avery also started gymnastics this week.  It is at a "real gym" and she is thrilled to be in class with Handley!  

Finally, we spent Saturday morning at the zoo with Aunt Lyn-Ann.  Perfect way to start the day!  We got to see the Rhino taking a mud bath! 


Carrie Beth said...
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Carrie Beth said...

Glad she had a great first week of school! Can't believe our girls are big enough for Kindergarten!