Wednesday, September 29, 2010

She wears many different hats

but if I had to guess now I think she will be a pastry chef when she grows up! The girl just loves to read cookbooks, watch cooking shows, and bake desserts! This week while making blueberry muffins she said, "Mom can I have a couple dollops of the batter?" Who talks like that you ask....our Avery! She is a riot!


Julie, the mama said...

one of my most favorite posts ever. She sure is cute (in every single one of those hats.)

Carrie Beth said...

That girl can do it all and we absolutely love her for it! Hope she is feeling better.

Tessa said...

Are you kidding me?!! My precious Avery!! I LOVE YOU!! Gosh, the cheerleading one-- she looks exactly like you!! Miss you!