Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Day in Port Orange

For the holiday, we traveled to Florida to spend some time with Grammy and Grampa. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The weather was gorgeous and as always we had so much fun with the Atkinson's! We took a trip to the beach, swam in the pool, and did lots of playing. Dylan was getting over a cold and a little bit fussy. This caused us to eat in a bit more than usual. However, Grammy and Grampa watched the kiddos and allowed us to have two date nights!! We hated not being with everyone, but Trevor and I did enjoy eating our dinner slowly and some alone time together. Avery said the sweetest blessing, and Grammy cooked a great feast! We have a lot to be thankful for! Thank you Grammy Tina and Grampa Bruce!

PS~We missed Uncle Scott, Aunt Lyn-Ann, and the Trussell Family and are thankful for all of you too!

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