Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

It has been a rainy week in Atlanta. Avery loves to sing her "rain" songs and has been able to sing them everyday. She was even more excited to get out in the rain and splash around today. It all happened when Daddy pulled in the garage after work. It started with her hand, then a leg, and before Trevor and I finished saying hello she was completely out in the rain getting drenched. She was running, singing, and splashing. At that point, Trevor ran out to enjoy the cool summer rain too. I had so much fun watching the two of them play in the rain. We literally had to drag Avery inside. It was tough to capture the amount of fun they were having with the camera, but I gave it my best shot!


Carrie Beth said...

Oh my gosh! That is the cutest thing ever. What fun Daddy to just let loose and splash around with her. So sweet. :-)

Julie, the mama said...

What fun memories were made on this rainy day in Georgia. So glad you were there to capture it all for the blog!

Hoping the rain holds off long enough for us to get through carpool tomorrow!