Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cookiebread House

Last week we recieved a gingerbread house kit in the mail. Eileen and Bill sent it along with a baby gift for Dylan. (Thank you!!! That was so very thoughtful!) Avery was so excited to make what she calls her "cookiebread house." We had a lot of fun decorating and I now have it up out of reach because Avery can't help munching the tastey treat.

Our Dylan is 6 weeks old...he is getting so big so fast!

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

I can't believe how big Dylan is getting?!?!?! 6 weeks already? CRAZY! He's such a cutie though. Your "cookie house" looks like fun. I think I want to do that with Handley sometime in the next few weeks.