Sunday, December 13, 2009

Making progress!

We have been in big girl panties since Wednesday and Avery had one accident. The accident happened to be at school. However, it didn't seem to bother her. They were shopping at Santa's Workshop for gifts for their parents and I think she got a little caught up in all the excitement and forgot she didn't have a diaper on. She did manage to stay dry through dinner, a Costco outing, and a birthday party. We did make numerous trips to the restroom and Avery enjoyed those. She is fascinated by automatic sinks, soap, and paper towel dispensers. I think we are making extra trips to the restroom just to see what they will have in them. Not so much fun at the germiest time of the year but I will do what we have to in order to get this girl potty trained. This may be a little too much information but she also went number 2 in the potty three times this weekend! We are making progress and couldn't be more proud of our little big girl! We can do it!!!

Dylan has his first cold. No fun! He is a trooper and still the sweetest little thing. Hopefully it won't last too long because I can hardly stand listening to his stuffy nose at night. He is pitiful and I wish I could make it stop. Poor baby!


Carrie Beth said...

Yea for AVERY!!!! She's doing AWESOME!

Julie, the mama said...

Awesome news! I'm with you on the public bathrooms, but even the nastiness is worth it if we can get these girls potty trained!

Sorry about Dylan's cold. It stinks to have babies who don't feel well. Praying for a FAST recovery for the little guy.