Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful time celebrating Easter! Dylan woke up fever free Sunday morning which was a gift in itself. The kids enjoyed their Easter baskets and are still enjoying way too much candy.

We went to Ammy and Bamp's Sunday afternoon for another egg hunt and basket hunt. The cousins all really had it down and found everything happily. Avery even found a few other baskets :)

We also got to celebrate Bampa's birthday!!! Avery was thrilled to help decorate the cake and sing "Happy Birthday!" Dylan and Truss couldn't wait to get their tiny fingers in the frosting. Happy Bithday Dad!


Carrie Beth said...

Looks like a fun day! What were the decorations on the cake??? Hard to tell what exactly it was. Dylan and Truss must have been scheming together about digging in to the cake. I'm sure those cousins all had fun spending the day together.

SeƱora Sanders said...

Love it!! I'm sad that we didn't get a picture of all the little ones together!!! : (