Thursday, April 7, 2011

Packing it in!

With this being Spring Break week for Avery and us staying in town, we have enjoyed spending time with friends and family. I can't believe it is already Thursday! The last two days have been gorgeous and we are absolutely soaking up this great weather. In fact, as I type the kids are out back playing soccer with Trevor (8pm). I love it all except the pollen!

Dylan is refusing to sit in his seat. I am not thrilled about this bit of independence but he has not been throwing food, in fact he is actually eating it so we might give the big boy seat a try.

The kids are so much fun right now! Even though they still require attention every waking moment it is truly fun to play with them!


Julie, the mama said...

This awesome time of year is made even better by the fact that your kids are at such awesome stages right now. And from what I can see, that just keeps getting better and better as they get older!

Cute, cute pictures.

Carrie Beth said...

Oh boy...I can just imagine Dylan sitting at the table in his big seat! Glad you all are enjoying the weather so much too!