Saturday, May 21, 2011

Closing Ceremonies

This year Avery was so very fortunate to have the BEST teachers teach her during the three days she was at school each week. She loved going to school everyday and I loved taking her there because I knew she was in such good hands. Ms. Debbie and Ms. Susan loved her, taught her, and guided her every chance they could. I am very grateful for the wonderful stimulating learning experience they gave her. Many thanks to Ms. Debbie and Ms. Susan, we love you!!!

Ms. Debbie
Ms. Susan

During our closing ceremonies Avery was presented a diploma. On a funny note the teachers made humorous predictions as to what each child would be when they are grown. For example, one was a director of activities for a cruise ship, on was a train conductor, you get the picture. Well, Avery, they predicted she would be a clothing model because whenever they get out the camera she strikes a pose. I guess that is my fault, as I am constantly following her around so I can do these silly blog posts. Either way, whatever she grows up to be, as long as she follows her heart her Daddy and I will be proud!

Her Chimp Class Diploma

Then there are her fantastic classmates. Avery talks about them all, and has a blast playing with them all the time. She and Leighton are peas in a pod and are just drawn to each other. And that is fine with me because she is a doll. The girls also love Tyler! Poor guy he has too many girlfriends and was predicted to be on the Bachelor in the years to come. I can see why they love him! He is full of spunk, and tons of fun, not to mention adorable!

Her Friends

Here Tyler is asking if they want to come play trucks with him!

She has grown so so much!!!! To be exact 2 1/4 inches and 4 lbs.

The First Day of 3 yr old preschool

The Last Day of 3 yr old preschool

Now it is time for summer!!!


Tessa said...

she is SO big :( I'm so sad I'm not there. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!

Carrie Beth said...

Love the first and last day of school pictures...she's grown so much. :-) Love the awards, that is such a cute idea.