Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time flies when you are having fun!

With only two weeks of summer left we are packing in the fun! Avery had camp last week with one of her best friends at her preschool. She loved it! Dylan was the only one not old enough but he did humor us with a picture.

Dylan can say cheese and smile now! I just had to snap a few pictures with the fireman hat.

Then, we were off to the splash park to celebrate William's fourth birthday! What a fun way to keep cool and have fun!

Then Trevor and our monkeys headed to the zoo to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning!

I just don't know if I am ready for school to start back. We have been enjoying mornings at the park and getting a little "fall" fever. Avery and Dylan are a whole lot of fun now and seeing them play together is as sweet as it gets!

We are looking forward to a visit from Aunt Lyn-Ann and Uncle Scott later this week. We will be celebrating their birthdays and jamming in some fun. Then, we get to excited for our trip to Maine and Boston!

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