Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Playdate at Ammy and Bamps

Today the kiddos and I made our first trip up to Alpharetta. They were both great. I was nervous about the drive and not being able to reach Dylan. He was on his best behavior though. Tally and Truss came over too. As you can see the cousins were dressed alike. We didn't even plan it!

We had a great visit! Avery's day was made, Bampa came home from work to play with her! I think we will be making these trips more often. It was a wonderful Wednesday!

Next time, Avery promises to take a picture too!


Julie, the mama said...

Unplanned matching outfits???? LOVE it!!!

Glad you had a nice playdate, and I love seeing a picture of the boys. Ready to see Miss Avery again soon.

Carrie Beth said...

Glad your trip up there went ride and all!