Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3rd Annual trip to Lenox Mall

Love, love, love the holiday season and all the fun outings this time of year brings. One of the things I have come to really look forward to is our morning at Lenox. Since Avery turned one we have made the trip with the Posener ladies. Today we were able to share the experience with Sheila, Addyson, and the O'Connor's! Horray, Dylan wasn't the only boy. Can you believe I didn't get even one picture of the boys together??

First, we met Priscilla the pig in person! That was a first and the girls loved it. Dylan did laugh but didn't quite want to sit in her lap. Then, off to ride the Pink Pig (TWICE). And it was freezing! Dylan really enjoyed his first ride of many on the pig train! Next, it was off to ride the elevators and find the man in the lovely red suit. Avery was ready. She jumped in his lap (the first time in three years) and shared her Christmas list. Funny thing, we really had to work at it, I guess she doesn't want for much. Finally, it was time for Dylan to meet the sweet guy. He started their introduction with a high five. That went well, until...I put him in his lap. I told the photographers to shoot and Santa must be used to this kind of carrying on because he held him tight, smiled, and told me he had it under control. I am thrilled with the picture even though they both aren't smiling it is priceless! Candy canes and lunch were the last things we had to do before taking our afternoon naps. What a wonderful day!


Carrie Beth said...

We had SO much fun today. I think each year just gets better and better. LOVE that picture of them with Santa and Dylan looked happiest on the ride. :-) Thanks for continuing this Christmas tradition with us.

Julie, the mama said...

That does sound like the perfect day, and Avery is just gorgeous in the blue dress.