Sunday, December 19, 2010

Three Amigos

Saturday night was the neighborhood adult Christmas party. Some how I was able to rope Auntie Tally into a night of babysitting. Keep in mind she had three kids under three and is seven months pregnant and forgot her nausea medicine. She is a rock star and had all three tucked in bed by 9:30. When we got home she was fast asleep. However, she left my camera on the counter and I couldn't believe what we missed. Here are most of the pictures she took. I know there are a bunch but I haven't seen the boys play before and it looks like they enjoyed their time together. Tally also brought the cute jammies! Thank you Auntie Tally! We look forward to returning the favor!

Before we left...

The fun begins when Mom and Dad leave :)

Avery and I also decorated our gingerbread house! She hasn't eaten it yet!


Julie, the mama said...

I've been waiting on pictures of those precious boys playing together. Absolutely precious.

SeƱora Sanders said...

Oh my gosh!!! These pictures just make me laugh everytime!!!! They were HILARIOUS!!!!!!

Carrie Beth said...

AHHH!!!! Those boys playing together is the sweetest thing ever. It's obvious that they LOVE each other so much. SO SWEET!!!

We are going to decorate our gingerbread house tomorrow. Handley can't wait.