Friday, January 28, 2011


Since giving birth to two babies, a lot of things have changed in my world (Tiara's world). I think most moms go through these things but I won't assume. My children consume most of my thoughts, hopes, and prayers. I would rather buy them clothes and toys then things for myself. I routinely bathe them, cut their nails, but forget to do these things for myself. As for eating, well... I fear I now have an eating disorder. I find myself in the pantry with the door closed when I want to sneak a snack. Hiding while eating, thats bad isn't it? I rarely sit for a meal but rather eat off of their plates. As for exersize, I rarely have time. I would not have predicted that I would let these things happen to me, but they have.

I am determined to get back up to snuff. Eat better, exersize, and better hygeine. Are you wondering where I decided to start??? The gym! I joined Monday and cannot be more excited. I SO enjoyed three days of working out. Cardio and weights, music and tv, time to myself with my own thoughts. I already feel healthier even though the numbers on the scale haven't changed. My next goal is to introduce the kiddos to the childcare. Please pray that goes well for us as this is how I am hoping to be a better healthier mommy! So I am on the road of self improvement.

Enough of me...A good week here even though Dylan was under the weather for a couple days. It is nice to have him back to himself. We are expecting a weekend warm up and a visit from Uncle Scott. Should be fun. My niece Scottie will be arriving in the next week via C-section. They attempted a version but it was unsuccessful so we will be praying for her safe arrival and a speedy recovery for Tally.


Julie, the mama said...

I could so relate to all of the things you said about mommyhood. Who would ever think we would love the gym because it means alone time!?

Can't wait to see pictures of that sweet niece of yours!

Carrie Beth said...

So happy you've been able to start working out again. I look forward to that day. :-)

Samantha said...

Good for you! I have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill and hope to get out to a gym one day soon. Fingers crossed that they like the childcare!