Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dylan's First Day Home

We had a wonderful first day at home with Dylan. He was spoiled silly by his Grammy and Grampa Atkinson. We all held him and loved on him the entire day. Grammy gave Dylan his first bath. Of course, he screamed through most of it but was so clean and adorable afterward. In time he will learn to love those chilly things. He slept most of the day and Trevor and I paid for that during the night. We were up pretty much all night long. He is a night owl right now. Hopefully we can transition him to be awake during the day. Any ideas????


Carrie Beth said...

Love all those pics and his first bath!!! So glad you are having lots of help. I hope he gets his days and nights figured out soon.

SeƱora Sanders said...

I think the scheduling thing makes a huge difference in learning days & nights. I've got a cd if you want to listen to it!! But I also know that everyone wants to give their opinion, so just let me know! ; )

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Dylan. Auntie Tessa LOVES you and I can't WAIT to hold you in my arms.