Today the Posener girls came over while Carrie Beth dropped off the Kindermart goodies to be sold. Kindermart is a consignment fundraiser for Avery's preschool. It is a big event and now Carrie Beth and I get to shop early. Carrie Beth was kind enough to let me add to her items to to the sale. We are both hoping to make a little bit of money and spend it on stuff at the sale this week.
I have to say I was a bit nervous to have all four kiddos at one time, but it was so much fun. It seems like we were all together for about 10 minutes when reality it was probably 30. We packed a lot of fun into those few minutes! The girls managed to play dress up and each have about 4 wardrobe changes in 5 minutes. They played dolls, play dough, screaming, and even had time to fit in a snack before Carrie Beth got back. Harper (11 months) was a doll! She was so sweet and cute. It reminded me of what I have to look forward to later this year with the "D" man. Such a fun age! Dylan took a catnap so he didn't have to put up with all the girls the whole time. However, as you will see from the pictures fun was had by all! Now we will do the kid swap later this week as we both get to do some Kindermart shopping!

As for the weekend, it was a bummer. Avery came down with a fever Friday afternoon and just wasn't herself. She has been fever free for three days and is doing lots better but still gets tired out quickly. I sure am ready for nice weather and healthy kids.
Oh, I LOVE a house full of youngins. Especially when half of the group gets to go home to another house after a few hours of play. :-)
Cute, cute pictures. LOVE those blue bookshelves.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for watching the girls while I dropped off all the stuff. Can't wait to keep you kiddos while you shop for great goodies later this week!
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