Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Little Boy is 6 Months Old!

Wow, I have such mixed emotions. I am a tiny bit sad and really very happy about this milestone. I am sad he isn't a baby, baby anymore. And so happy that we have a lot of fun exciting changes to look forward to. Dylan you are such a blessing and a ray of sunshine!!! WE LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

At six months of age Dylan loves to laugh! He is full of smiles and has such a great temperament. He has rolled once or twice but not on purpose. He doesn't seem to have any desire to roll either. He can sit up for short periods of time and is good with his hands. He eats baby food, cereal, and yogurt. Keep up the good work buddy!


Julie, the mama said...

I just about can't believe it. Why does it feel like the 6 months since Dylan has been here has FLOWN by, yet the 6 1/2 months that I've been pregnant seems like it has taken FOREVER???

Love the picture of that precious boy.

Carrie Beth said...

He just keeps getting cuter. Love that little boy!

Tessa said...

sweet pumpkin!! happy 6 month birthday!! Auntie Tessa love you MUCHO!!