Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday Fun

This weekend was another busy one full of fun! Saturday was a stormy day. Avery had a date with Auntie Tally to grab lunch and see the play Beauty and the Beast. They had a wonderful time! However, Avery wouldn't step foot into the theater. I think it was that loud Beast that scared her. Ammy came to the rescue and picked her up so Auntie Tally could watch the show.

From there she was off to a sleepover and Ammy and Bamp's. On the way home Ammy asked if she wanted to pick out a toy at Wal-Mart. Avery said no, let's just go to your house. They played all day! Ate dinner at Norman's Landing and stayed up late watching Aristocats. She loved every second of their time together and soaked up the extra attention. Today was Bampa's birthday and making a cake for him and getting to wake him up on his special day was a lot of fun for her. Today when we left she was all teary. I think we need to go back there soon!

Trevor and I enjoyed our weekend but felt a little lost at first. It was mighty quiet and we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We did a little shopping and a lot of loving on our big boy. We had a nice dinner out and enjoyed the quiet house this morning. We accomplished quite a few projects.

My boys and I before dinner.

Thanks Ammy, Bamp, and Auntie Tally for your tag teaming of fun with Avery! She misses you! Thank you!

Dylan got to test out his new sippie cup. He LOVES it!

Avery got a few blister's on her feet. Time to shoe shop again :) However, she will actually sit in the stroller now. Not for long but Dylan and I like it!


Carrie Beth said...

Glad you all had a nice weekend! I'm also glad Avery will sit in the stroller for at least a little while. I'm sure Dylan thinks it is fun to have her right beside him.

Tessa said...

Those blue eyes!!! and eyelashes!!!! AHHHH!! I want to kiss him!! LOVE the pics as always.