Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Scramble

Upon waking up Trevor was off to Maine. The rest of us got ready for Harper's big birthday. Yep, she is already one! Avery was ready to head over to there house around 8:30. It has never been so easy to bathe her, brush her hair, teeth, and eat breakfast. The girl couldn't wait! As you can see from the pictures. Carrie Beth knows how to throw a party. It was perfect and Harper smiled the whole time. Now Dylan he fussed most of the time, very unlike him. The best part of the party was Harper's slide show. Loved it! Also, as you can see Avery thinks she is a Posener Girl. She had to be in the sister birthday photo :) Sorry CB!

Then it was on to do our afternoon baking. Apple cinnamon muffins with a tad of frosting. Pink frosting! Avery loved them.

This is for you Dad! We missed you today. Hugs to Nana. We got Big Red washed and Avery was super helpful. Dylan watched from the stroller but was well behaved.

Well, I am exhausted. I think it is time to hit the hay! Night!


Julie, the mama said...

Good grief; y'all did have a busy day. Sounds like a lot of fun though!

Carrie Beth said...

What a day! I'm so happy that you all were at the party today. We loved having you there and it wouldn't be the same without you. Can't wait for things to slow down so we can hang out this week!