Saturday, May 15, 2010

Round and round we go

Friday, off to Joey D's with the kids. We went early and didn't quite know if it was appropriate but the kids were outstanding. We enjoyed a tasty dinner complete with an onion loaf and ice cream brownie for dessert. Yum!

Saturday, Daddy and Ave ran errands at Home Depot while Dylan, Riley, and I got our exercise. Then, we packed a picnic and headed to the pool. I am not going to lie and tell you it was warm, but it was fun. Both kids and Dad loved every second the sun peaked through the clouds. Everyone must have been tired because we napped until 4. Then, off again to meet Ammy and Bamp at the carousel. We had a great time and managed to squeeze in a dinner at CPK. A rule to the wise, always taste the food before you feed it to your baby. Tonight we fed Dylan what we thought was guacamole. His eyes immediately teared up and he screamed. Come to find out it was VERY spicy. Poor buddy, we fed him water with a straw like a little birdie. Then on to the baby food. Lucky for us, 15 minutes later he was the happiest camper around. He sang and laughed through the entire meal. We certainly won't do that again!

Cheers to a good weekend and looking forward to a visit with Uncle Scott this week.


Carrie Beth said...

Dylan looked like he was loving the pool!!! Glad you all had a fantastic day!

Julie, the mama said...

Y'all packed a lot into this weekend. Glad you got some pool time in, too!